“Faith and doubt both are needed
not as antagonists,
but working side by side
to take us around the unknown curve.”
not as antagonists,
but working side by side
to take us around the unknown curve.”
“There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind
than gratitude.
It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction
that the duty is sufficiently rewarded
by the performance.”
than gratitude.
It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction
that the duty is sufficiently rewarded
by the performance.”
“It is not fair to ask of others
what you are not willing to do yourself.”
what you are not willing to do yourself.”
“Men fear death
as children fear to go in the dark;
and as that natural fear in children
is increased with tales,
so is the other.”
as children fear to go in the dark;
and as that natural fear in children
is increased with tales,
so is the other.”
“Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow.
It empties today of its strength.”
It empties today of its strength.”
“Our wretched species is so made that
those who walk on the well-trodden path
always throw stones at those
who are showing a new road.”
those who walk on the well-trodden path
always throw stones at those
who are showing a new road.”
~ Voltaire
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