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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amenda La nih


Nothing ages like laziness. - Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Laziness grows on people; it begins in cobwebs and ends in iron chains. The more one has to do the more he is able to accomplish. - Sir Thomas Buxton

Patience is so like fortitude that she seems either her sister or her daughter. -Aristotle
Patience is the companion of wisdom. -St. Augustine
Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult thing easily. -Johann Freidrich von Schiller
No road is too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; and no honors are too distant for the man who prepares himself for them with patience. -Jean de la Bruyere

 The Nine Aspects of Life
The adventure of life is to learn.
The purpose of life is to grow.
The nature of life is to change.
The challenge of life is to overcome.
The essence of life is to care.
The opportunity of life is to serve.
The secret of life is to dare.
The spice of life is to befriend.
The beauty of life is to give.

-William Arthur Ward

Only as we learn truth and obey it do we find freedom and progress.
Obedience to the laws of health frees us from distress and disease and gives us vigor and comfort of body.
Obedience to the laws of physics frees us from cold, darkenss and inability and gives us heat, light and power.
Obedience to the laws of learning frees us from ignorance and superstition and gives us knowledge and wisdom.
Obedience to the laws of society would free us from strife and contention and give us peace and harmonious living.
Obedience to the laws of the gospel would free us from the grasp of the evil one and give us salvation and exaltation.
Obedience to the laws of God would free us from all opposing powers and give us joy inexpressible and eternal. -E.L.M.

 The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart. -Helen Keller

The heart has reasons which the reason cannot understand. -Blaise Pascal
All paths lead nowhere, so it is important to choose a path that has heart. -Carlos Castaneda
Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. -H. Jackson Brown

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